I've been pondering this question for some time: Why do we stop playing as we grow older, even though it's crucial for our development as children? It's almost as if there's a point where we feel guilty for taking time for ourselves, for indulging in activities just for the joy of it, without any pressure or expectation.
Recently, I've found myself rediscovering the joy of playing in my studio. I've been diving into creative endeavours without worrying about where they might lead me. And you know what? It's been incredibly freeing.
While I may not know where this playful exploration will take me in the long run, I'm enjoying this artistic journey for now.
After discovering a free online course about making collages on paper at https://catherinerains.com/
Rather quickly, I found myself in the famous rabbit hole and discovered so many techniques to create unique visual elements to play with in different compositions using my favourite colours.
All this resulted in a collection of collages on paper and wood panels. Numerous scraps of paper, made with stencils, a gelli plate, to last me a year at least, and the need to buy a new sketchbook because I filled a whole one with new ideas.
If you would like to find out more, contact me; I would love to share what I created.